Successful risk management requires up-to-date information regarding all aspects of potential liabilities. At Hanba Lazar we recognize that zealous advocacy on behalf of our clients begins long before litigation ensues. Zealous advocacy begins with counseling designed to provide our clients with the relevant information needed...
Yes, can you believe it? It's April already. As we are putting this Quarterly together, spring is definitely in the air and opening day at Comerica Park is just around the corner. With our Firm's mission of helping you manage your employment risks, our legal...
Happy New Year! As we start the new year off, on behalf of Hanba Lazar I want to express our sincere gratitude to all of you that have utilized our legal services. You have allowed us to have one of our best years ever, and...
A New Appointment and Reappointment to the MCAC
On June 19, 2015, Governor Rick Snyder announced the appointment of Rachel Lipinski and the reappointment of Garry Goolsby to the Michigan Compensation Appellate Commission. The nine-member commission is responsible for reviewing appeals decisions in cases that originated...